I'm going to warn you now, this is a RANT. Actually, it's more of a realization on both ends of the stick. So if you want to read what I have to type, continue on. You don't want to read about "drama?" Top right corner for Windows, top left corner for Mac...little red button...click it. On a phone? Back button. Enjoy :-)
I've come to a stark realization about society: We want something for nothing and are cheap as hell when cheap comes along.
And along with that realization, I've just come to two more. 1) We're lazy. 2) We don't care. Yes that's right, I'm going there. But before you get all "UUUGGGGHHHH!!!" on me, hear me out.
I started this business 2 years ago in hopes that 1) I could shy away from corporate America and 2) I got let go from my position as a retail store manager. Why? Because the economy is worse than what the media portrays.
(Don't worry, I'm not going to get into my political opinions here.) As a sales person, I did nothing wrong. My numbers proved I knew how to sell, they proved that I knew how to teach my employees how to sell. But yet, I was still let go for poor "sales performance." So with that being said, I said @#$% it, and started up this business. No money. No knowledge. No guidance. Just me, my camera and dreams. So I set forth with my no money and did everything I could to make it happen. Some paid marketing here and there, website, Facebook, portfolio building, free sessions, referral programs, incentives...everything you name it. I always have people telling me, "Oh my gosh! Ryon! You're so good! I want you to take my family pictures!" and when the time comes, they back out. I get the, "I don't have the money right now," or, my favorite, "I don't have the time right now." 1) The money thing I can kind of understand. But did you hear me say you can do payments? Probably not. You were only thinking about "how expensive" I was. Want to know a dirty little secret?
I'm undercharging you!!! Don't believe me? I want you to contact a more established photographer. One who is constantly busy and ask them what their prices are. Once you find out, I want you to tell me how expensive I am. 2) I'm not gonna take that excuse. You're not on my schedule, I'm on yours. If the only time you can do a shoot is at 2AM in the dead of winter, then I'll do it. Also, another dirty little secret,
you can book a session whenever!!! Schedule a little hectic right now? Book it for another time. I will NEVER turn anyone down unless I myself am busy that day. Then I'll work with you to pick a better day.
Now let's get down to the nitty gitty. The part that's going to make your heart bleed for me.
Me and my girlfriend just recently had a baby. His name is Xander and he's 2 months old. Before he was born, I had to get a full time job to support him because all of my "good" leads were dead end's. Now, let's just say I didn't have a job and this was my only source of income. You come to me wanting photos done. We talk about it and "you'll get back to me." Now let's thrown in a random average sale number...say...$300. Once you pay me, I have to give the State and Federal government their share of 35% which is $105. I'm now down to $195. I still have to prepare your order. The cost to print these is $190. I have now earned $5 in profit. And this profit is what I need to use to use gas, and wear and tear on my car, to get to the location to take your photos, round trip, the use of my $2000+ worth of equipment that doesn't age like fine wine, my editing time (3+ hours and style AND pay my own personal and business debts. I am now in
in the hold $500. But guess what? You decided to NOT go with me and went with your friend who "has a nice camera" and is a "natural." Great. Now I can't afford to get my child the diapers he needs, new clothes for him to grow IN TO, formula for when mom isn't around or her supply is gone, I can't take my son out in public to take in all the sites and sounds. But worst of all, I probably can't go SEE my son. Oh, did I mention that my son and girlfriend live 2 hours away from me and IF I'm lucky, only get to see him on weekends?? On top of this, I'm under the watchful eye of "Big Brother" since I keep claiming "0" for income. Worse case scenario? I get audited, they pull my business license and I go to jail for theft of state funds. This is what happens when you "can't afford it" or "don't have the time" or, god forbid, "I'm too expensive." Lucky for you though, I have a job that pays just above minimum wage which allows me to pay for gas and diapers for the next 2 weeks, and maybe the occasional meal for myself.
Let's talk a little bit about me now.
One of the realizations I've come to is that even though people say my work is amazing and they want me to photograph, apparently my work just plain old sucks. Maybe I'm being biased here, but I don't see how my work sucks. Case and point:

2011 was my first year doing portrait photography EVER. As you can see, I improved from each previous session. No one telling me what I was doing wrong. No one showing me how to do it "right." It was all determination, sweat, loss of sleep, mental beat-ups, getting sick, fights with the girlfriend, loss of social life and the drive to succeed. I TAUGHT myself how to do portrait photography in less than a year. No one showed me the ropes, no one took me under their wing...I was my own teacher, critic, hater, lover and inspiration. But yet, my work isn't worth my price <insert eye roll here.> It's not about price people, it's about having those photos eventually tucked away in a shoe box for your grandkids to look at and go, "Wow! When was this taken? Who is this? Where was this taken at?" And don't even think about lying about that because we've all done that with our grandparents' photos from back in the 20's, 30's, 40's and so on. And if price is a factor, for god's sake, ask if I'm running a promotion! Dirty little secret #3:
I'm always running a promotion to generate business!!! Why would I NOT run a promotion to generate business? When you find out what promotion I'm running, you're next question shouldn't be, "What are you prices?" It should be, "What am I waiting for!?"
So here's the bottom line:
- Support your local businesses. They need to survive just like you.
- Don't lead me if you can't lead yourself. (Think about that for a minute.)
- Quit worrying about price and start worrying about the stories told.
- If you don't like my work, don't bother contacting me.
I know this is the type of rant that I SHOULDN'T be publicly posting, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting sick and tired of people telling me they want to book me and never follow through with it damn it! I've lost sleep and cried thinking I may need to close my business because I'm not getting enough business. And I frankly don't care if you think ill of me or my business after reading this. As a famous quote said by a famous woman reads, "If you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve to have me at my best!" You don't like me, my prices or my work, @#$% you and there's the door. See ya later and have a nice life!
<END RANT>....